Your appointment will be a longer time than what most clinics allow. At Body Matters Physio, the belief is that to provide a great service, you need a thorough assessment leading to the most effective treatment and education. A typical appointment is one hour. You will achieve more as you are not rushed through!
To help stop the issue you are presenting with from coming back all the time, your treatment includes addressing contributing factors that have lead to your current injury, such as how one area functioning poorly can put strain on another area leading to pain, weakness and injury.
Our individualised approach means you will not feel like a number at Body Matters Physio. You will be treated with respect, listened to and worked with.
Your physio has completed extra post-graduate training in some techniques and assessments that you will not find in all clinics, read more about this in the "Treatment" information page of this website. These techniques can feel very gentle but have powerful effects on body function.
You are welcome to contact your physio by email if you have a question and will get a response.
You will not be left on a machine, this clinic is hands-on.
Your physio is happy to communicate with your doctor, sports coach, personal trainer, yoga instructor if you wish.